Monday, April 7, 2014

Who are the real Uncle Toms?

I'm often asked by folks, especially white people, if it bothers me being called an Uncle Tom by members of my own race because I am a conservative. I tell them it doesn't, not out of some false bravado, but because I reject the very premise that I am an Uncle Tom.

The Urban Dictionary defines an Uncle Tom as "a black man who will do anything to stay in good standing with "the white man" including betray his own people." If we accept that definition then let's look at a couple of facts. First, it is not me who puts chemicals in his hair to straighten it into a pompadour like a certain poverty pimp/community agitator who currently has a show on MSNBC. It is not me betraying my race by advocating for an abortion on demand policy that murders millions of black babies in their wombs every year.

It is not me that advocates for the status quo, union dominated public schools that keeps our kids trapped in under performing inner city schools where getting through the day without getting into an altercation is a good day. It's not me that supports the Democrat Party's efforts to legalize millions of illegals while the Black unemployment rate is 12% and while the black teenage unemployment rate teeters around 40%. It is not me advocating and supporting the Homosexual lobby's hijacking of the Civil Rights movement so they can have "marriage equality."

It is not me that argues for the disenfranchisement of black people by advocating we give all our votes to one party thus creating a powerless situation where neither party actively competes for our vote. No, if one can take emotion out of the equation and examine the facts, not the rhetoric, it is plain to see who the real Uncle Toms really are.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Why do I hate the President?"

I am often asked by my fellow African Americans when I criticize President Obama is “why do I hate the president?” Of course I reject the very premise of the question. I don’t hate the president, but I do very strongly dislike his policies and the divisive tone he has set for his presidency and for this nation. Unfortunately in the era of President Obama, disagreement with this president’s policies automatically makes you a “hater” or a racist. Noted Black progressives like Tavis Smiley and Professor Cornell West can call the President a “Rockefeller Republican in Black face” or a “global George Zimmerman” and there is barely a peep and no mention of hatred from President Obama’s loyal Black supporters.

The fact is Black people have lost more of their wealth (10.9%) than any other demographic under President Obama's watch. Black overall unemployment is at historic highs. Even the former head of the Congressional Black Caucus said that if President Obama were a White president, they would be marching on the White House! Latinos have received a Hispanic Supreme Court Justice and support for amnesty including letting undocumented students stay in the country. Homosexuals have received support for gay marriage and repeal of “Don't Ask Don't Tell” in the military. The extreme environmentalists have received a delay on the decision to construct the Keystone pipeline; a project that could create thousands of jobs for African Americans and in related industries. Instead, the President tells a Congressional Black Caucus audience in 2011 to "Quit grumbling, quit complaining" and to "put on your marching shoes." Many CBC members were understandably upset and felt talked down to by the President of the United States.

It's not that you're "hating" Black people when you point out facts. Detroit, New Orleans, Newark, Kansas City and St. Louis have been ran by Democrats for the last 60 years. Are Republicans responsible for Detroit's bankruptcy or the under performing schools and school districts in these cities? The policies implemented during the so called “War on Poverty” are no longer theories. We now have 50 years of empirical evidence to gauge these program’s effectiveness. When you have an 8% employment rate for Black teenagers in Chicago and murder being the number one cause of death for Black males aged 15-29, then you know the status quo is not working and that these programs have been an absolute failure. Like many of my fellow Black conservatives, I am not emotionally invested in Barack Obama - or any other politician for the matter. A politician’s skin color should make no difference when it comes to accountability. Can you credibly say we “hate ourselves” because we choose to hold Mr. Obama accountable to his promises, just like we would any other politician?

I've lost acquaintances, friends and even close family members due to my political beliefs. And that's OK. There's only one judge that I ultimately adhere to – and people that disagree with me politically are not it. I do not seek fame, fortune or recognition for espousing what I believe. I do it out of a deep love for my people and my country and out of a conviction for doing what's right, nothing more. I cannot close my eyes and ears to the sorry record and truth about this president, his administration and his policies. I just can't. I tell my friends and acquaintances if you don't like what I write or say - and if it offends you - then I sincerely apologize but I will not compromise what I believe to placate your feelings because you are uninformed and still emotionally invested in a politician. I have always criticized this president's policies, NOT HIM PERSONALLY, and I will continue to adhere to that until the next president is inaugurated.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

I've lost acquaintances, friends and even close family members due to my political beliefs. There's only one judge that I adhere to.

I've lost acquaintances, friends and even close family members due to my political beliefs. And that's ok. There's only one judge that I ultimately adhere to - and you my friend are not it. I do not seek fame, fortune or recognition for espousing what I believe. I do it out of a deep love for my people and my country and out of a conviction for doing what's right, nothing more.

I cannot close my eyes and ears to the sorry record and truth about this president, his administration and his policies. I just can't. If you don't like it - or if it offends you - then I sincerely apologize and suggest you de-friend me but I will not compromise what I believe to placate your feelings because you are uninformed but still emotionally invested in a politician. You all know that I have always criticized this president's policies, NOT HIM PERSONALLY, and I will continue to adhere to that until the next president is inaugurated.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Iran defends development of advanced centrifuges

"There is no inherent right to enrich. We do not recognize a right to enrich." ~ Secretary of State John Kerry

The Obama Administration were breaking their arms patting themselves on the back on Friday for this "historic agreement" with Iran and now the Iranians are saying this. This is one of the most dangerous presidencies in our history. President Obama's economic policies have endangered our national and personal economic security and now this ill advised agreement with Iran, coupled with the fact that Iraq is spinning out of control into a civil war and the unstable President of Afghanistan has essentially flipped us the bird over a previously agreed upon troop agreement, leaves our national security in peril too. Well, at least we have Chris Christie's "Bridgegate" to distract us! Read more...