Monday, April 7, 2014

Who are the real Uncle Toms?

I'm often asked by folks, especially white people, if it bothers me being called an Uncle Tom by members of my own race because I am a conservative. I tell them it doesn't, not out of some false bravado, but because I reject the very premise that I am an Uncle Tom.

The Urban Dictionary defines an Uncle Tom as "a black man who will do anything to stay in good standing with "the white man" including betray his own people." If we accept that definition then let's look at a couple of facts. First, it is not me who puts chemicals in his hair to straighten it into a pompadour like a certain poverty pimp/community agitator who currently has a show on MSNBC. It is not me betraying my race by advocating for an abortion on demand policy that murders millions of black babies in their wombs every year.

It is not me that advocates for the status quo, union dominated public schools that keeps our kids trapped in under performing inner city schools where getting through the day without getting into an altercation is a good day. It's not me that supports the Democrat Party's efforts to legalize millions of illegals while the Black unemployment rate is 12% and while the black teenage unemployment rate teeters around 40%. It is not me advocating and supporting the Homosexual lobby's hijacking of the Civil Rights movement so they can have "marriage equality."

It is not me that argues for the disenfranchisement of black people by advocating we give all our votes to one party thus creating a powerless situation where neither party actively competes for our vote. No, if one can take emotion out of the equation and examine the facts, not the rhetoric, it is plain to see who the real Uncle Toms really are.